Music Brokers Scandinavia (MBS) is an independent promotion company,
mainly working with Norwegian artists and record labels. MBS have
specialized in radio promotion, tour promotion, release promotion
and management.
Since the start in 1996, MBS have worked with record labels such
as: Kirkelig Kulturverksted, Tylden & co, Majorstudio, MTG, Hot
Club Records, Curling Legs, Grappa Musikkforlag, NOR-CD and DaWorks.
MBS handles all promotion acitivies for Farmen.
If you want more information, please contact:
Music Brokers Scandinavia AS
att/ Remo Rehder (CEO)
P.o. box 337
1301 Sandvika
Phone: +47 67 52 28 60
E-mail: remo@farmenas.com