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La Descarga


La Descarga plays real salsa ...

- music that communicates directly with your hips and practically forces you to dance..

- a unique mixture of high energy and fascinating poly-rhythms.

- a hot and spicy music that is winning a large audience all over the world.

You can usually hear La Descarga at the clubs Cosmopolite and Smuget in Oslo, but they have also played in the Hesperia Winter Carnival and Jyvaskyla Summer Jazz in Finland and several Norwegian festivals (Molde & Kongsberg International Jazzfestivals, Dølajazz and Sandvika Storbandfestival) as well as in the Norwegian Broadcasting Company - NRK.

Visit the La Descarga's web-site.

You can order Farmen releases (CD's and/or digital downloads) here.


    La Descarga: "Descongelate"  
CFCD 101 (1998)

Probably the best Salsa orchestra in Scandinavia.

Sample tracks:
(You'll need Windows Media player and min. 56k connection to stream)

Descongelate Son Del Norte

More samples may be found on the album's Norwegian page.


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Artists | Arne Mo | Bjørn Berge | Carsten Loly | Envelope | Joner | Johns Quijote | Kaizers Orchestra
La Descarga | Matpackers | Moys | Rex Rudi | Tønes

Farmen, Postboks 337. 1301 Sandvika, Norway
Tlf:67 52 28 60, Mob: 9051 1055, E-mail:


Design: To the Point Webdesign E-mail: