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Arne Mo


Arne Mo is originally a writer, and have published several books about life on the north-west coast of Norway.

He has also worked as a whaler in the arctic area, and this rough enviroment is described with passion in his books.

His only recording so far is "Redd" (which translates into "Afraid")

Contact: Arne Mo
GSM: +47 93064266

You can order Farmen releases (CD's and/or digital downloads) here.

      Arne Mo: "Redd"  
BFCD 9807 (2000)

"Redd" is Arne Mo's debut as a recording artist, with music and lyrics by the late great blues/singer/songwriter-legend Ted Hawkin, translated to Norwegian by Arne Mo.

Sample tracks:
(You'll need Windows Media player and min. 56k connection to stream)

Tøffing Tomhendt

More samples may be found on the album's Norwegian page.


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Artists | Arne Mo | Bjørn Berge | Carsten Loly | Envelope | Joner | Johns Quijote | Kaizers Orchestra
La Descarga | Matpackers | Moys | Rex Rudi | Tønes

Farmen, Postboks 337. 1301 Sandvika, Norway
Tlf:67 52 28 60, Mob: 9051 1055, E-mail:


Design: To the Point Webdesign E-mail: