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Envelope has been noticed on the Danish up-and-coming scene. They represent some of the best pop music we have heard in a long time and they are all very talented musicians. They stand out from other pop bands by being aware of the importance of good music. They don't just think about writing a hit, they also want their music to be well played and well composed...

Their debutalbum "Stay" includes 11 great popsongs, including the radio hits "Stay" and "Morning girl".

Visit Envelope's official website.

You can order Farmen releases (CD's and/or digital downloads) here.


    Envelope: "Stay"  
CFCD (2001)

The first album by the Danish popgroup Envelope. Catchy poptunes and harmonies.

Sample tracks:
(You'll need Windows Media player and min. 56k connection to stream)

Stay Morning girl

More samples may be found on the album's Norwegian page.


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Artists | Arne Mo | Bjørn Berge | Carsten Loly | Envelope | Joner | Johns Quijote | Kaizers Orchestra
La Descarga | Matpackers | Moys | Rex Rudi | Tønes

Farmen, Postboks 337. 1301 Sandvika, Norway
Tlf:67 52 28 60, Mob: 9051 1055, E-mail:


Design: To the Point Webdesign E-mail: